5 Creative Macro Photography Shots
Macro photography is the art of shooting images up close. To see from a new perspective and capture details you usually wouldn’t notice. Get the most out of macro photography with some imaginative and abstract techniques. Keep reading to find out more about 5 creative macro photography shots!
Oil In Water
Oil in water is a photography style you may have seen floating around the internet. This technique is one we love to create abstract compositions and colourful imagery, and is even better because it uses items in your household. To give it a go we like Cameracorp Australia’s video on it. Check it out, here.

Food Dye in Milk
Another fantastic abstract shot that you can create at home is food dye in milk. The food dye does not move much in milk, but when adding soap that’s a whole new story. Dish soap in the mixture creates amazing shapes and swirls. It’s a good idea to use different colours to emphasize the movement. This tutorial by Amy Horn Photographer shows how simple the process is: click here.

Aqueous Photography
When ink (or another medium) drops into water, amazing coloured clouds form. Aqueous photography is the official term for this technique, and one that you should try out. The medium you choose to drop into water can change depending on your preference. These mediums can include evaporated milk, acrylic ink and paint.
We love when photographers show us behind the scenes of their shot, check this one out by Corban LaFon here.

Water Droplet Photography
Water droplets are yet another creative technique you can capture with a macro lens, and a unit of water. This technique can produce some incredible compositions, shapes and colours. This shot works best on a solid background for contrast and better detailing. Check out this great and easy to follow tutorial by First Man Photography.

Paint, Oil and Milk Bubbles
This is a similar one to the first technique we covered, but with a colourful twist. Using paint, oil and milk you can create amazing colourful bubbles and shapes to shoot. These bubbles are three dimensional and boast incredible colours from your paint. This is yet another great tutorial by Amy Horn, see it here for more info.